This project will design, implement, and disseminate in-service training to 67 teachers of grades K-12. The program will upgrade the teaching and learning of problem-solving processes and skills. The Cedar Falls school district is ideal for the development of a model program: there are only six elementary schools, two junior high schools and one high school in the district, so all teachers can be involved in the program. During the summer of 1986, 26 teachers will attend a four-week workshop. The principals will attend five of the workshop sessions. During the summer of 1987, a second group of teachers will attend the summer workshop. During each semester of the following academic year, there will be four days of released time for in-service work with teachers and teaching. The participating teachers will be expected to teach problem-solving skills as a regular, systematic part of their daily classroom instruction. In addition, each of the participating teachers will be required to conduct an action research project in conjunction with their teaching. The Project Team will provide consultive help in the various classrooms.