The major element in this project is an intensive six-week summer workshop for 24 high school teachers of chemistry and physical science drawn primarily from Kentucky. The workshop will consist of formal chemistry coursework in the fundamentals of chemistry, with particular emphasis on inorganic chemistry, laboratory work, the development of demonstrations, computer assisted instruction, and a component focussing on the teaching of science in secondary schools. Follow-up activities in the academic year include monthly meetings of groups of 4-7 participants and four general meetings of all participants. The project will be conducted in each of two project years, with a separate set of participants in each year. Teachers having the least formal or poorest training in chemistry will be given top priority in the selection process. Priority will also be given to those who have not had recent experience or instruction updating their knowledge of the discipline. Individual commitment will be assessed by telephone interviews with the applicants, and institutional support will be generated through a special conference for the principals of the teacher/participants. Participants will receive graduate credit in both chemistry and education. Except for the commuters, participants will be housed at the site of the workshop, Murray State University. Room and board and a weekly stipend of $200 per teacher will be provided from grant funds. Contributions of $250 per teacher during the first year and $500 per teacher during the second have been assumed in developing the budget. This project is carefully planned, well balanced, and has the potential of being of considerable benefit to the participants and their colleagues.