This project will establish an inservice program to incorporate human genetics into the elementary school curriculum. During the summer of 1987 two five day Peer Leadership Workshops, one for thirty-five elementary teachers and one for thirty-five secondary teachers, will be held in each of two regions in Kansas. The participants will receive instruction in human and medical genetics including information concerning genetic engineering. In addition to basic content the participants will also develop the methodology of examining and conducting student discussions of controversial issues such as: gene therapy, recombinant DNA, genetic screening, and genetic counseling. The laboratory work will provide experiences with the BSCS materials and with recombinant DNA technology. During academic year 1987-88 the staff members will work with the Peer Leadership Teachers in their classrooms to insure mastery of the materials and the ability to successfully utilize the materials. In the spring of 1987-88 the seventy teachers from each of the two regions will attend a two day workshop to be held in each region. This workshop will conclude the formal preparation of the Peer Teachers to present inservice programs to their peers. During the 1988-89 school year, the thirty-five elementary teachers and the thirty-five secondary teachers of each region will implement the inservice program by using the materials and the content videotapes produced during the first year of the program. Two hours of credit will be awarded upon successful completion of the Peer Leadership program. The project will be coordinated and directed by geneticists from the Medical Genetics Division Department of Medicine, University of Kansas Medical Center. The staff consists of R. Neil Schimke, clinical geneticist, Debra L. Collins and Laura L. Thomson, genetic counselors, three master teachers (including two Presidential Awardees'), and lecturers from the other universities in the state. The various university divisions, support agencies and school districts have made substantial contributions to the program.