This project proposes to facilitate the implementation of Science, Technology, Society (STS) Education in classrooms, grades 7-12, by linking together a nationwide, regionally focused network of state education agencies, intermediate service units and local schools through a cadre of project trained STS leaders with support from the extensive resource base of the STS Program at the Pennsylvania State University. To accomplish this concerted effort, the project will: * Create regional and state advisory committees of distinguished STS university leaders and state science and social studies supervisors, whose charge will be to identify STS initiatives and needs, and to facilitate access to existing resources and potential state inservice leaders. * Train a cadre of 450 leaders at the school district and intermediate service unit level in a repertoire of teacher inservice models for STS instruction and then to serve as a continuing source of information and support to that group throughout the project. * Develop the resource-sharing network in three ways: arrange for access to existing and new STS educational products and practices through a print and a computer retrieval system; provide ongoing professional support by the exchange of information through a computer conferencing system; integrate ethics and values studies components into the on-going activities of the network.