This project will disseminate model programs directed at increasing the pool of minority students who pursue engineering, science and mathematics based college study. The basis of this dissemination will be the programs that have been developed by the members of the National Association of Precollege Directors (NAPD). This organization includes twenty-one independent programs which have been successful at guiding minority students into engineering and other technical areas and helping to assure that they have the mathematics and science skills necessary to succeed. In order to bring these techniques and the NAPD type program model to a new and much wider audience, NAPD will produce a series of comprehensive manuals to serve as resources for communities interested in adapting such models to their areas. In addition, a three tiered system of training seminars will be implemented which will include: Interactive National Training Seminars for school system policy makers, Regional Training Seminars for Administrators and other education and community leaders, and Local Implementation Workshops for individual school system personnel and others who will be adapting the model to their own area.