This project features the ocean as a focus for science teacher enhancement. Bowling Green State University has the unique facilities including an inland Marine Laboratory which provides the local site and expertise. This three-year project will provide an opportunity for 120 elementary, middle and high school science teachers to study the marine environment at the University laboratory,as well as at Sea World of Ohio and Florida and compare and correlate it to the freshwater ecology of the area. The National Marine Fisheries Service is an additional supporter, both programmatically and financially of this project. All teachers will study oceanography and marine biology in the spring prior to the two-week summer study and field trips. The latter will include trips to Lake Erie for the nearby freshwater environment and to Orlando and Long Key in Florida to study the salt water environment. Marine habitats will be observed and live specimens will be collected for classroom aquaria. Teachers will be instructed in the care and maintenance of the aquaria and school districts have indicated support for their purchase and upkeep. A unique opportunity exists with this project not only to enhance the teachers in an area of science that with which they are not familiar, but to provide a focus for career information to students who have no direct connection with the oceans. The new knowledge, experiences and materials should improve the quality of science teaching. Numerous science disciplines, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and geology can be interrelated through ocean study. This can create both an increased awareness among teachers and students of the ocean's impact on inland residents as well as a renewed understanding of the interrelatedness of many areas of science.