The Science and Mathematics Education Institute of California State University, Long Beach proposes to identify and select 30 high-ability youngsters entering grades 9-10 and involve them in a 2-part program focusing on ocean science. In the program, ocean science serves as a vehicle for addressing all the sciences and selected aspects of engineering. Phase I provides 3 1/2 weeks in residence on the CSULB campus, followed by a 3-day field excursion on Catalina Island. During the summer, students will also study how science operates, culminating in a research project which continues into the subsequent school year. A key feature of this phase places each student at the side of a working scientist or engineer, to devote at least one day "shadowing the scientist". Team teaching involving scientists from the university, industry and Jr./Sr. High School teachers will be used. In the follow-up phase during the subsequent school year, students continue their research within a network which provides a variety of support services. Six Saturday follow-up sessions continue their exploration of a broad variety of science and engineering possibilities, as well as nurture their continuing research.