The proposed project is a major effort in analyzing, synthesizing, and interpreting results of research in mathematics education for practitioners. Outstanding interpretive research specialists will work with classroom teachers to write chapters for three volumes of implications of research in mathematics education, one volume at each of three levels -- early childhood/primary, intermediate/middle school, and high school/post secondary. Areas of mathematics education research to be reviewed include content topics, process topics, teaching strategies, and student variables. A team of three editors will work closely with the chapter co-authors to insure comprehensive coverage of topics and uniform clarity of writing style. An advisory board of practitioners and researchers will oversee the project and assist in structuring the three volumes. Research specialists and teacher consultants will review each chapter of the written materials for accuracy, completeness, readability, and practicality. The project advisory board will review the total, revised manuscripts for comprehensiveness and coordination of topic coverage. A team of outside evaluators will review the final manuscripts prior to publication. It is expected that the three volumes will be available for dissemination by the summer of 1991. The proposed set of books will constitute a comprehensive interpretation of current mathematics education research for practitioners and an up-to-date research reference for anyone interested in mathematics education. Joint support of this project is being provided by the Division of Teacher Preparation and Enhancement and the Division of Materials Development, Research and Informal Science Education.