The Denver Audubon Society will, over a three year period, provide the training and materials necessary to disseminate their Urban Education Project to six or more cities across the country. Their outdoor education program is "hands-on," locally supported with funds and volunteers, and targeted to include inner-city children who will be served in locales close to their homes and schools. NSF funding will support project staff, provide initial curriculum materials, and insure close contact with the developing programs. About 20,000 elementary children and nearly a thousand adult volunteer leaders will participate in the program over the three year period. At the end of the project, the new programs will continue without further assistance, and will serve as models for other community programs. Over the three year project period, more than $380,000 in local funds and in-kind support will be provided, nearly equalling the NSF support. Participating cities include: Boston, MA; Louisville, KY; Birmingham, AL; Prescott, AZ; Arlington, TX; Gainesville, FL; Seattle, WA; and Broward County, FL.