The Cornell University Natural Sciences Interns Program will include three major components: 1) Training Segment--a four-dayresidential program to train 60 junior high and high school youths (30% of whom will be minority and/or disabled) and 10 adult educators in the natural sciences disciplines, and to expose youths and adult educators to research and career opportunities in the natural sciences; 2) Problem-Solving Segment--a five and one-half week residential program actively involving 12 minority and/or disabled high school youths in a forest science research project and exploration of natural sciences careers; and 3) Follow-up Activities--designed to create an awareness of natural sciences research and career options among 300 junior high and 300 high school students and their 24 teachers, 48 junior high and high school counselors, 520 4-H club members and their adult club leaders, and 12 4-H agents. Youths involved in the more in-depth Problem-Solving Segment will first participate in the Training Segment, thereby receiving the background necessary to begin their research projects.