Parkland College will develop a program to provide students with exposure to computer hardware, software, languages, and interconnections in sufficient breadth and depth to enable them to go into most computer environments and immediately function effectively. They will work in a laboratory designed to be a "Universal Computation Environment", with equipment from Apple, NeXT, Sun, Ibm, Compaq, Silicon Graphics, and Digital all interconnected through the various commercial networking devices and systems. A variety of courses will lead to a "Universal Computation Environment Certification" which can be used as (1) a basis for immediate employment, (2) a component of other associate degree programs, (3) complete or partial credit in 4-year college programs, or (4) part of a broader computer science curriculum. Personnel from computer hardware and software companies, computer-using companies, and the University of Illinois National Supercomputer Center will assist in developing the program. Cost sharing by the partners will total 98% of the National Science Foundation funding.