National Council of Teachers of Mathematics The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics will conduct a two-year project to produce and disseminate the PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS FOR TEACHING MATHEMATICS. This is the companion to the CURRICULUM AND EVALUATION STANDARDS FOR SCHOOL MATHEMATICS (CESSM), which has become a milestone in the history of school mathematics. These two sets of standards represent NCTM's comprehensive and carefully articulated plan to provide direction for the reform of school mathematics in the United States. The Professional Standards will consist of three components: standards for teaching, standards for professional development, and standards for evaluation. Production and dissemination are modeled after the successful patterns used for CESSM, including the highly effective review process that vests ownership with the entire NCTM membership. This is a special Teacher Enhancement project in that it includes no direct work with participants. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics has contributed an amount equal to 99% of the National Science Foundation request.