The Mathematical Association of America will conduct a four-year project titled, "Building Multimedia Instructional Materials to Nationally Promote the Use of Calculator Technology in Mathematics Classes". The proposal is included in the special solicitation, "Projects to Promote the Effective Use of Technology in the Teaching of Science and Mathematics". Each kit will feature a 20-minute videotape on the use of graphing or symbol manipulating calculators to teach principles and techniques of mathematics. Two school districts in Texas will participate to become models in the use of calculators in implementing the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards. The NCTM will provide expertise in reviewing the products in the development stage. The project team produced the successful video, "Math: You Can Count on It", and features a number of prominent figures in mathematics education. This project has the potential for great significance, since it represents a key step in the drive for national acceptance of calculators in mathematics education. The Mathematical Association of America, Texas Instruments, and the two participating school districts are contributing an amount equal to 42% of the National Science Foundation request.