Rutgers University will conduct a three-year program to develop a leadership cadre of secondary school teachers in selected topics in discrete mathematics and their applications. The project includes a four-week summer workshop for each participant, two weeks of which are on content and two on methodology. After implementation, follow-up, and sharing with colleagues, lead teachers will be selected for the next workshops and for outreach. The proposal is based on a successful pilot project, and participants will be selected from a large region, within 200 miles of Rutgers University, to increase the outreach. This program is a direct result of the designation of the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS) as a Science and Technology Center by the National Science Foundation. It will be conducted by the Rutgers University Center for Mathematics, Science and Computer Education (CMSCE). Rutgers University has contributed an amount equal to 31% of the National Science Foundation request.