The Bank Street College of Education will implement a mathematics leadership project centering around a team of ten teachers from ten predominantly minority New York City elementary and middle schools. The leaders will participate in a three-summer program, and will serve as half-time mathematics specialists in their schools during the academic year. The goal of the project is to change the way mathematics is taught in these schools. Seventy teachers in the faculties of the schools will also participate in project activities organized at Bank Street, as well as in inservice activities led by the leaders at the school level, over the three year period of the project. Parent workshops are included, and a manual for inservice leaders will be developed and disseminated. Mathematical emphases for the leaders will be in the areas of: foundations of arithmetic, functions, geometry, and algebraic structures. Summer coursework will lead to a masters degree in education for the ten leader teachers. Cost sharing is provided by schools and Bank Street as 219% of the NSF request.