The title of this proposal is "The 5C/5E Project: The Five College Education in the Earth*fs Environment, Ecology and Energy Project." This 3-year project offers a model program for middle school teachers who need scientific information, skills in using low-cost equipment and supplies, realistic management strategies, and help in integrating recent pedagogical recommendations. There will be two cycles, each with 60 teachers who will participate in a sequence of activities focused on the development of regional student research projects. The program includes: Spring introductory workshops, a 3-week summer institute during which teacher develop the student research-project plans using a regional sharing model; an academic-year program including meetings, a newsletter, and electronic bulletin board network, student fairs and congresses, and staff support; a 1-week summer institute to complete documentation and dissemination plans; and continuing academic-year support for student research projects and for local, regional, and national dissemination. The project runs from March 1, 1992 to February 28, *@1995. The cost sharing is about 23*% of the amount requested from NSF.