The National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1862, Secs. 3.a.5, 3.a.6.), directs the Foundation evaluate the status and needs of the various sciences and fields of engineering as evidenced by programs, projects, and studies...and to take into consideration the results of such evaluations in correlating the research and educational programs undertaken or supported by the Foundation... provide a central clearinghouse for the collection, interpretation, and analysis of, and the current and projected need for, scientific and technical resources in the United States, and to provide a source of information for policy formulation by other agencies of the Federal Government.... In support of this mandate, the Office of Studies, Evaluation, and Dissemination (OSED) of the National Science Foundation's Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR), serves as a major source of research, policy information, and appraisals for strengthening science, mathematics, and engineering education in the United States; and, to provide evaluative, analytical, and policy support for the leadership efforts of the Foundation in these critical areas. OSED is charged with the responsibility of evaluating education programs conducted by the National Science Foundation, coordinating evaluation of all federal mathematics and science programs, and with reporting to the Congress and to the Nation on the condition of science and mathematics education in the United States. OSED conducts evaluations and prepares reports, summaries, and analyses on science and mathematics education in elementary, secondary, and postsecondary schools through the analysis of domestic and international sample surveys of education which have been supported wholly or in part by NSF or by other federal agencies. It prepares statistical charts, graphs, tables, and text for publication as requested and for official NSF publications. OSED requires assistance in conducting evaluation studies of NSF programs and in preparing statistical reports on the condition of mathematics and science education. These projects require specialists in designing surveys of program participants, research assistants to conduct data entry and data analysis using computer statistical programs (such as SAS, SPSS, Systat, Minitab, LOTUS 123, and EXCEL) for evaluation projects, advice from consultants who are specialists in conducting analysis of large data bases, and assistance from research assistants for data entry for development of questionnaires and statistical data. Also, OSED requires assistance in holding large conferences to design studies of mathematics and science education or to discuss the implications of major national studies that are underway. The contractor would assist OSED in preparing the plans and agenda for the meeting and in arranging travel of participants. Also, the contractor would help OSED exhibit the programs and products of NSF at about 10 conferences throughout the United States.//