Wesleyan University will conduct a two-year project to pilot-test a new teacher enhancement model: "In-School Inservice Institute in Math and Science". Over 180 high school mathematics and science teachers in twelve Connecticut school districts will receive three weeks of intensive, on-site inservice and professional development during the school year by a visiting team of two university faculty and six Project to Increase Mastery of Mathematics and Science (PIMMS) master teachers and other expert demonstrators. Participating teachers will conduct a variety of outreach activities for over 1800 second-wave teachers, for a total enhanced population of about 2000. Two distinguishing features of the project are its collegial aspect and its team teaching approach. A member of the Visiting Team will team up with a participant, with the Visiting Team member teaching the participant's classes while the participant is attending seminars and demonstrations or observes a colleague's class. Visitor and participant will also team-teach classes throughout the school day and will spend time discussing and reflecting upon the day's activities. Thus, the Visiting Team should learn as much about secondary mathematics and science instruction as the high school teachers will learn about mathematics and science. This in-school, collegial model has potential for success in a variety of settings. Wesleyan University, PIMMS and school district cost-sharing accounts for 92% of the NSF budget.