This project is a one year program that will team 48 secondary teachers (grades 7-12), from four Massachusetts communities, with biotechnology scientists through the auspices of the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council and the Massachusetts Biotechnology Research Park. During a two week summer institute, 24 participants will be introduced to content area in biotechnology and related basic biology. During a second one week summer institute for 24 participants, many who have attended a previous biotechnology institute, will be introduced to some advanced principles of cell and molecular biology including Alzheimer Disease and AIDS. Hands-on laboratories and interactive teaching tools will be presented by scientists at their industrial sites. Potential classroom activities will be presented by educators from the New England Science Center. Science pedagogy specialists will discuss ideas for classroom activities and curriculum with the participants. Monthly meetings between the scientists and participants during the academic year will focus on curriculum concepts and skill building. Each scientist-teacher team will develop an additional activity for classroom use. Each activity, along with a brief outline of concepts and skills involved and a list of industry resources used in development, will be included in a source book to be shared by participants. Cost sharing equals 120.4% of the NSF award.