This program expands upon the "Chemistry in Motion" project. The plan is to include biology and the life sciences and extend the training to include pre-high school teachers and additional territories. The broad goal is to provide training and support for about 120 chemistry teachers, 80 biology teachers and 40 middle/junior high school teachers among a network of 45 to 50 school districts in two multi county regions of Pennsylvania. A series of 2-week summer workshops will update knowledge content in biology or chemistry and give teachers the pertinent theory and practical use of modern science instrumentation. Teachers typically attend the summer workshops for a minimum of 3 years. As teachers become more capable the emphasis shifts to focus on developing laboratory materials and exercises appropriate for use in school classrooms and labs. The introduction of outcomes based education in Pennsylvania will allow teachers more freedom to write their own curriculum. Participating schools are visited by the science van bringing instruments to the school 12-15 times per year. A certified biology/chemistry teacher drives the van and acts as a resource for teachers. Additional follow up includes special 1 day seminars, an annual science fair and the development of an active network of science teachers. Cost sharing amounts to 81%.