The three year project will prepare a staff development network of 120 Technology Education mentors with enhances technological, pedagogical and leadership skills. Twenty four teams of 5 mentors, one for each of the 24 State department districts, will conduct regional staff development workshops for the 3200 middle and high school technology education teachers. These workshops will be presented to teams of mathematics, science and technology education teachers recruited from the schools. Mentors assisted by expert consultants will develop field test and refine an Implementation and Resource Guide for teachers which blends contemporary pedagogy and authentic assessment into the delivery of the Technology Education content. The content in this guide will be in the four areas of Computer Control and Interfacing, Bio-related Technology, Electronics, and Computer-Aided design and Drawing (CADD). In the final year 3 person teacher teams from 15 other states will participate in a National Dissemination Workshop. Cost Share is 135%.