9355658 Matyas Theis project will improve science education by building the scientific research community into the support infrastructure for teachers. Specifically, it will: create ongoing relationships between researchers and teachers through research and inservice experiences and computer networks; and promote the adoption of K-12 national standards through activities developed collaboratively by teachers and researchers. These goals will be met via 1) the Summer Research in Physiology Program; and 2) the Joint Teacher-Researcher Physiology Inservice Program. During the Summer Research Program, teachers conduct research in physiology laboratories and participate in additional professional activities. In the Inservice Program, teachers and researchers develop lab/lessons for physiology inservice workshops, focusing on effective pedagogical techniques. Teachers will be involved in project activities over a full academic year. More than 500 teachers, nationwide, will participate in the three-year project. Special features of the program include: connecting teachers to global resources via computer networks; producing a videotape modeling effective pedagogical techniques; developing an INTERNET- accessible databank of physiology lessons; and focusing throughout the project on gender and racial/ethnic equity. The project will serve as a model for professional organizations and provide materials and methods for inservice providers (e.g., State Systemic and Urban Initiatives). Most significantly, it will provide a model for building long-term relationships between teachers and researchers, thus building the research community into the support infrastructure for K-12 science education.