9617951 Clark Videodiscovery will design and produce a CD-ROM software engine that will deliver a collection of science performance-based assessment tasks for grades 5-8. The work will be modeled after another successful Videodiscovery Project, Science Sleuths. The content of these tasks will be in line with the National Science Education Standards, and include the use of video clips, graphics, virtual tools for information gathering, and simulation techniques. A sophisticated scoring system for scoring student performance will be embedded in each performance event, thereby eliminating the need for time-consuming teacher scoring and contributing to improved economy and reliability. Using this technology to deliver performance assessments will overcome many of the obstacles that prevent frequent and widespread use of performance tasks in test settings. Well-designed, field-tested tasks that are delivered electronically, will enable teachers to obtain frequent and ongoing feedback on student performance and these tasks can enhance the opportunity for successful science education reform.