9726403 Wilcox This proposal will partially support a Mathematics Assessment Resource Center (MARS) to provide technical assistance and professional development to states and school districts in implementing new approaches to mathematics assessment. The proposal builds on a planning grant, designed to "prove the concept" of such a center. This planning grant permitted MARS to help districts in: (1) handling performance assessment--designing and selecting performance tasks, developing instruments for student assessment and system monitoring, implementing assessment, scoring student work, scoring and analyzing results; and (2) advancing professional development both for and through performance assessment--using assessment as a stimulus for the broader capacity to implement reform, linking assessment with curriculum, helping students prepare for performance assessments, developing materials to build capacity in local districts. These materials were implemented in New York City, El Paso, Texas, and smaller districts in Michigan and Colorado. MARS now proposes to implement and expand development of assessment design and development services, investigation of key issues (practical and psychometric); and further dissemination. MARS expects client school districts to pay for delivery of services. The budget for this project declines with each year, as the development work is completed. As a result of the planning grant, over 20 districts or states have requested MARS services The project anticipates working with 40 districts over four years.