9731284 Lake Working with existing projects such as the SSI, Mathematics Teacher/Resource Collaborating for Collaboration in the Classroom (MTRC3), and others, this project forms linkages across schools and districts throughout the region. It engages teachers in teams, facilitated by mentors, to reflect on how their practice relates to state standards. It helps develop teachers' assessment skills and, in the process, improves student outcomes and classroom practice. Features are Web-based telementoring tools, Mentor Center, and an Exchange, all used to link K-12 educators, mathematicians and scientists. In the first year teachers form teams from existing projects mentored by other teachers. Central themes include constructing rubrics for assessing student work related to standards, understanding qualities of good student learning, and adopting effective instructional strategies. In the second year this expands across grade levels and projects. In the third year, new teachers are mentored by experienced teachers, and the project teams develop guides. Cost sharing is 33%.