HRD 98-01630 Williams Dayton Public Schools is a midsize urban school district in Ohio which serves a student population that is nearly 68% African American. In spite of focused attention to science and mathematics achievement over the past six years, the district s African American students continue to underperform their peers on state tests of science and mathematics proficiency. In addition, they have low rates of participation in advanced courses in science and mathematics and their failure rates are higher than those of other district students. In this application the district proposes a Science and Mathematics Systemic Reform Program which will bring together the resources of diverse school and community partners to carry out an innovative plan that will result in measurable improvements in the science and mathematics performance of minority students, increasing their potential for successful participation in postsecondary study in science, engineering, and mathematical fields. In previous collaborative efforts with its local partners, the school district has established a solid foundation from which to launch a comprehensive reform of science and mathematics education. Initiatives undertaken during the past six years have focused primarily on: revision of the K-12 science and mathematics education curriculum; inservice training to improve teachers' content knowledge and teaching skills in science and mathematics; and the upgrading of science laboratories and equipment. In addition, substantial progress has been made in the application of technology and the use of community resources in the reshaping of science and mathematics education within district schools. The proposed project addresses the remaining barriers that contribute to the continuing disproportionality of student achievement and impeded the progress of all district students in mathematics and science learning. It will consist of multiple components, including: o comprehensive staff de velopment for all elementary faculty and all secondary science and mathematics teachers o administrative leadership development to support the assessment, supervision, and instructional delivery of science and mathematics education o implementation of a coaching system utilizing specially trained science and mathematics specialists as on-site resource support for the achievement of teaching excellence o development of videotape models of exemplary science and mathematics instruction for use as professional development tools o establishment of improved methods of evaluating student achievement in science and mathematics and accessing this data more frequently for closer monitoring of educational outcomes o a restructuring of middle and high schools into collaborative learning communities which operate as teams and promote the use of research as a base for improving science and mathematics teaching o the infusion of technology to enhance both the instruction and the instructional management of science and mathematics education o enhanced student academic support and enrichment programs in science and mathematics and efforts to increase parental involvement in science and mathematics learning support o systematic attention to policy issues that will promote equity and excellence in science and mathematics for all students in the district.