This project in the area of Instructional Materials Development will develop a library of uniquely interactive web-based virtual manipulatives for mathematics in levels K-8. The materials will be, for the most part, in the form of Java applets, and will be available free (via the internet). They will also become a component of the electronic format version of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics' Principles and Standards for School Mathematics as well as link with other possible dissemination avenues. While the materials are for children, they will also be useful for the mathematics background of both pre- and inservice K-8 teachers. The Co-PI's feel that the virtual manipulatives will promote greater understanding of important mathematics concepts for children and link to the content understanding needs of their teachers. In addition, the dissemination plans discussed above, the project materials will be available from either of two web sites to be used on-line or freely downloaded onto local networks or available via CD-ROM.