Over a five-year period this project will provide 490, K-8 teachers in 28 schools and 7 school districts with 112-200 hours of professional development for each teacher. The seven districts involved are Spearfish, Douglas, New Underwood, Kadoka, Lead-Deadwood, Belle Fourche and Wall. The South Dakota School of Mines and Technology will also deliver teacher inservice and facilitate the involvement of scientists in the project. Collaboration with the tribal colleges will help the project serve the needs of Native American students.
A professional development school model serves as the basis for teacher professional development. Teams composed of on-site lead teachers, pre-service teachers, scientists, science educators, administrators and parents will establish an on-going multi level support system for the improvement of science education.
The Center of Excellence in Mathematics and Science Education at BHSU will provide the necessary space, staff, travel money and materials to refurbish the FOSS instructional materials as well as to provide resources to the teachers.