The researchers propose to study the context within which increases in measures of student performance occur in order to develop a predictive reformative schemata. The criterion variable is increased student performance, as measured by achievement tests. The predictive variables are both qualitative and quantitative:
--Responsive management: (measuring openness to innovation and the internalization of programs, barriers to progress, use of external partners, replication of practices and sustainability) --Mobius communication loops: (measuring data needs, access to practical research findings and information about achievement results and the use of student achievement data, and effective means of sharing information, for example a website-an emergent product of the study) --Efficiency of staff development and subprogram funding: (measuring teacher training in terms of appropriate format, levels, content and duration and linkages to other instructional programs)
Additionally, the study team has emphasized that the close investigation of the third variable-systemic efficiency of staff development and instructional programs-would provide invaluable information for urban educational systems in other states.