Biological Sciences (61) Through this project, we are implementing a new undergraduate laboratory course in Molecular Cell Biology (MCB). The MCB Lab is an upper division elective providing an intensive, inquiry-based lab. The inquiry-based format enables students to develop an understanding of the research process as a means to investigate cell structure and function. The MCB Lab is available to students in the Biology, Molecular Biology and Microbiology, and Chemistry Departments at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. The lab course integrates technology into the classroom through the use of video microscopy and modern computer imaging systems as well as the use of modern biochemical and molecular techniques and instrumentation. The MCB Lab adapts the use of green fluorescent protein (GFP) constructs to the undergraduate laboratory setting. The course adapts elements of the NSF project DUE#9952672, "Developing research-based laboratories in cell biology using green fluorescent protein as a unifying theme" and of the research literature using GFP fusion protein markers. During the semester course, students investigate the molecular basis of eukaryotic cell compartmentalization and cytoskeletal dynamics using various GFP fusion proteins as specific markers. This enables students to observe cellular behaviors in vivo using fluorescence video microscopy. GFP fusion proteins can also be detected biochemically and this feature enables students to integrate their view of eukaryotic cell structure and function by correlating microscopic localization with biochemical behavior of the GFP fusion proteins. The outcome of this work is a significant improvement in student learning through inquiry based activities and increased student enthusiasm and thus retention in the life sciences. This project addresses a local need that reflects a national concern: preparing undergraduates in the SMET areas for careers in the sciences, including professional schools, graduate programs, or research positions in academic or industrial settings. The MCB Lab addresses a limitation in the current curriculum by providing a modern inquiry based lab experience to complement lecture curriculum, enriching the undergraduate laboratory curriculum, providing a substantive undergraduate research experience, and preparing students for continued research in faculty research programs.