Raytheon is operating notably worthwhile programs through which students gain exposure to engineering practices and technologies as well as employment references and opportunities. Summer interns make technical presentations on their assigned summer projects; Raytheon mentors help interns with the organization, content, and rehearsal, and the audience includes interns, mentors, employee-network invitees, and engineering management.
Raytheon is also providing pre-college support and support to students in the critical first year of college. Raytheon has continued their commitment beyond the laboratories and the classroom to include employment opportunities through their recruitment and retention of minority employees through their College/Pre-college Mentoring Engineering Program. This practice has been institutionalized as a corporate policy.
They have established relationships with several Historically Black Colleges and Universities and with a university in Puerto Rico. The company has the support of its executive leadership in these activities; this demonstrates a long-term commitment to minority recruitment and retention.