This project meets the needs of community college faculty and their students by providing knowledge and skills in teaching and learning to community college STEM faculty for on-line, distance delivery of instruction. A prototype program for professional development of the STEM teaching faculty is developed and extends the initial success of previously developed certificate programs and adapts them for instructional improvement. The project combines the resources of adult and community college education and technology education to provide a unique learning experience for community college STEM faculty. The combined expertise of the principal investigators' enables effective delivery of these on-line certificate programs and will result in STEM instructors gaining knowledge and skills in online course delivery for their own adult and traditional students. Diverse cohorts of community college instructors participate and broaden the partnerships initially established to assess the needs for curriculum development. These partnerships are also key to the dissemination of both the materials and the research to wider audiences including adult and community college educators. These materials may provide an exemplary model for reaching diverse adult learners with STEM content.