This project is creating collaborations among various partners to address the shortage of engineering technicians in Southern Maryland. This is a multi-focused project involving program improvements and technical experiences that targets students at both the secondary and postsecondary levels. Efforts to serve those currently underrepresented, women and minorities, are being emphasized. A recruitment plan that raises awareness and enthusiasm for the field is being implemented, and innovative project-based learning activities are being integrated into program requirements in order to improve retention. Modules developed through the New York State Curriculum for Advanced Technological Education (NYSCATE) project are being adapted for local programs. Student portfolios are being used to monitor progress and document their readiness for employment. Employers are hosting onsite Tech Days, participating in annual Technology Fairs and participating in the evaluation of students' portfolios. Employer feedback is being analyzed regarding changes in the readiness of local graduates for entry-level employment. Project results are being shared through presentations and professional contacts since they are transferable to other communities where school systems and postsecondary institutions share workforce development responsibilities. Statewide dissemination of the project results is assured through the Maryland State Department of Education and the Maryland Association of Community Colleges.