This project cuts across disciplines in computer science, computer information system, networking technology, and criminal justice. This multi-disciplinary approach to information system security requires understanding, cooperation, and collaboration of faculty from these fields which itself is a significant intellectual challenge. The project partners are using a Common Body of Knowledge (CBK), which is a recognized international standard for practitioners of Information System Security (ISS). The CBK identifies ISS domains as defined by experts from major IS industries. These domains are being used to build a matrix of existing courses that have a security component for possible inclusion into certificate programs, Associate, Bachelor and even Master Degrees. This analysis includes the identification of possible gaps among the schools ISS curriculum. A result of this effort is curriculum development involving upgrading of existing courses and development of new courses in the following CBK domains on each campus: Access Control Systems and Methodology; Applications and Systems Development Security; Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning; Cryptography; Cyberlaw, Investigations and Ethics; Operations Security; Security Architecture and Models; Telecommunications and Network Security.