Electrical Engineering (55)- In the past decade the field of wireless communications has come into its own and is posed to become a ubiquitous technology with the recent developments of 3G cellular, wireless network and wireless sensor systems. As such, today's graduating electrical engineers need marketable skills that are typically not developed in undergraduate curricula. This project addresses this stated need through a significant enhancement of the signals and communications curriculum in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (ECE) at the University of Vermont (UVM). The emphasis of this curriculum enhancement lies in the inclusion of hands-on experience in four theory-based, undergraduate courses in the interdisciplinary area of wireless sensor systems. These curriculum changes are supported by significant laboratory infrastructure enhancements and adaptation of exemplary pedagogy. Laboratory equipment improvements include modern oscilloscopes, a RF signal generator, a spectrum analyzer and a vector network analyzer. The intellectual merit of this project is that these instruments are supporting complementary communication course exercises and curriculum, and thus, providing new opportunities for students to learn how to design modern wireless communications systems. The PI is adapting and implementing curriculum prototype and laboratory exercises that were developed at the University of South Florida.
This program is affecting every ECE student at UVM. The broader impacts of the program include increased interaction of students and faculty with high school students through existing UVM outreach programs, new involvement of faculty in recruiting efforts, and collaboration with local industry.