Biological Sciences (61) In this project the anatomy, physiology and microbiology faculty at three different colleges within Yuba Community College District are collaborating to integrate similar laboratory equipment and teaching activities that have proven benefit. Data acquisition systems for physiology are providing the basis for student-led inquiry. Microscopy, as a method of scientific discovery, is being used in Microbiology. Multiple avenues of anatomy learning (organ and cadaver dissection, models, Adam Interactive) are being combined with collaborative writing projects to encourage understanding, not just memorization. Experienced faculty are proving training and mentoring to ensure success. The intellectual merits of this project include the use of study-led inquiry and the scientific method to enhance scientific understanding and scientific self-confidence. Critical analysis of data and results is being emphasized along with writing in all courses. The activity has broad impact in that it is affecting approximately 1200 students, mostly women and increased numbers of minority, economically disadvantaged, and geographically isolated students.