Computer Science (31) This project involves collaboration between two institutions: SUNY at Buffalo, a research university, and SUNY College at Geneseo, a four-year school. A model for adaptation of grid technology into an undergraduate curriculum is implemented by this project and represents its intellectual merit. The target audience includes: computer science (CS) majors - juniors and seniors; non-CS majors from all levels, ranging from novices to domain experts; and information technology workforce. The National Science Foundation (NSF) has publicized grid computing and related technologies through the NSF Middleware Initiative (NMI2). NMI2 offers a rich collection of publications and software downloads for disseminating grid-related information. This project adapts the core components of NMI2 grid technology: grid architecture, grid services, and grid applications. Motivation for this project comes from the fact that tremendous work is being carried out at the research end of grid computing, whereas no formal structure is available for educating undergraduate students about the grid. This model provides a flexible and easy-to-use set of laboratory exercises based on grid computing. Broader impact is achieved through the use of multiple tiers of adaptation of the grid. Tier 1 exposes the concept of grid from the novice user point of view. Tier 2 is for the serious designer and applications. This tier is aimed at junior and senior level undergraduate students who have sufficient background in Computer Science. Tier 3 involves technical training for information technology professionals in industry. Disseminated through a special web site, workshops and a textbook contribute to the impact process.