Project Kaleidoscope enhances the capacity of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) faculty responsible for the strength of undergraduate learning environments and of the infrastructures supporting their work. Building on and reaching beyond the Project Kaleidoscope informal alliance of 8000 persons, the project directly impacts faculty at 300 core institutions, representing the diversity of higher education that they will prepare as leaders of multi-disciplinary teams. Broad impact results from formally connecting present and emerging generations of leaders within undergraduate STEM education and preparing for the leadership transition that is inevitable- connections that are essential if current initiatives for strengthening undergraduate STEM are to be sustained. This national effort develops multi-disciplinary teams of STEM leaders in order to increase involvement in research-based understanding and thereby tackle interdisciplinary challenges, and those that relate to scientific and technological advances and the increasing diversity of students. Fifteen workshops, follow-up support, and leadership institutes followed by preparation and dissemination of project materials comprise the heart of the project. Evaluation consists of longitudinal studies administered to workshop teams and senior administrators.