The project implements a model program that improves STEM education in the region, so high school graduates can prepare for good jobs in the nuclear technologies industry. Activities address curriculum improvement, professional development for educators and technical experiences for high school students. A dual enrollment program in nuclear support technologies leads to an A.A.S. degree that includes an internship in industry and addresses industry competencies. The project improves STEM teaching skills for a large cadre of middle and high school teachers. A significant number of regional high school sophomores and seniors are assessed for industry competencies with recommendations for curriculum improvement made to their school systems. High school students in the program pass the STEM-related Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) tests at significantly improved levels as required by the state. A replicable model is disseminated electronically, in print and via inter-active presentations at appropriate national conferences. Formative and summative evaluation by an outside evaluator uses a scientifically selected comparison group.