The Convergent Technology Center (CTC) is a collaboration of several community colleges in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and industries that use telecommunications and information technology. Convergent technologies not only merge voice, video, image, and data, but also require a resolution of interoperability issues between technologies and vendors. The outcome must be seamless and secure communications solutions to business needs. The CTC determines the skills required in the region for convergence technology, determines the gaps between required skills and existing curricula, and designs and tests curricula that fill the gaps. Professional development needs of faculty are met by workshops that include both content and pedagogical strategies and by mentoring. Students in economically underserved areas are recruited through academic programs to reinforce core competencies, service learning projects, developing learning communities and student mentoring. Mobile workshops are available for faculty in those areas as are materials for parents, and community organizations. The CTC provides convergent technology access to business and industry, and serves as a clearinghouse for educational materials