Intellectual merit: This project is adapting Kenneth Bogart's NSF-funded project Teaching Introductory Combinatorics by Guided Group Discovery for a required discrete mathematics class at Oregon State University. The current notes and method are being adapted for larger class size, for more heterogeneous student mathematical backgrounds and motivations, and for some differences in course material. There are plans to reorder and supplement material, as well as to add more exposition to reduce the students' dependence on the instructor. An ongoing challenge in this adaptation project is to maintain discovery while expanding discussion and encouragement, which seems to be necessary in a larger class. In addition to the adapted notes, an instructor package is being disseminated containing both a summary of the elements of Dr. Bogart's method and anecdotal advice collected from instructors during the project.
Broader impact: The skills of communication and working together promoted by group discovery are useful for all majors in mathematics, and they are especially valuable for future teachers. This adaptation of Dr. Bogart's notes provides this opportunity for students in classes whose size is more typical of required courses at state universities.