Broader Impacts: Algebra Pathways Project addresses the national and statewide need to improve the mathematics skills of undergraduate students, particularly for at risk special populations. The Pathways project is expanding and adapting tested strategies to both Elementary and Intermediate algebra by developing a collaborative, research-based, system-wide approach to the improvement of teaching and learning basic mathematics. With support from a consortium of California community colleges, the Community College and Lumina Foundations, and the Center for Student Success, the Pathways Project is designed to leverage extensive resources from multiple partner organizations.
Intellectual Merit: Project objectives center on the adaptation, pilot testing and evaluation of three recommended approaches to increasing student success in algebra: 1) providing a specialized mathematics study skills course in a learning community format; 2) the implementation of a peer tutor training program for a math study center and 3) the use of computer aided instruction. The purpose of the project is to investigate and determine which of these strategies are most effective for use with specific groups of at risk community college students. Project objectives include the development of a virtual resource center and a summer Algebra Institute that facilitates communication among mathematics faculty members. Project-produced educational materials, evaluation instruments, pilot test results and lessons learned are contained in a final project report, shared with project partners and made available to others through the new electronic resource center.