This project is attracting and supporting students to the areas of mathematics, engineering science, drafting, multimedia, computer information systems, information technology, and computer systems and networking. Technology Opportunity Pathway (TOP) provides 30 scholars who demonstrate academic skills and personal readiness with scholarships.
Intellectual Merit: The scholarship program objectives are to (1) increase the number of students, including those from underrepresented groups, as a result of targeted recruitment and scholarship aid; 2) improve student persistence and GPA with orientation, mentoring, tracking, and support services; and 3) provide assistance for students to transfer to a four-year institution or to seek employment in a technical field. The TOP Team consists of five faculty members and the Dean of Enrollment Management. Recruitment materials and support service activities are being developed to promote the program to traditional and adult learners. TOP scholars are selected based on financial need, academic merit, professional readiness, and personal information. The TOP team is developing and maintaining relationships with local businesses to promote internships and career and transfer opportunities. A significant component is the required participation in college and TOP student services activities. Meetings and workshops feature guest speakers and skills to provide scholars with useful information, training, and survival strategies aimed at educating a highly skilled technical workforce. These meetings help form a community of faculty and peers and promote lifetime learning skills and professionalism.
Broader Impact: The program outcomes are being compiled at the end of each semester and summary data is being reported on a TOP Scholar page linked to the college website. Presentations are being made at statewide and national conferences. The principal investigators are collaborating with other CSEMS projects and sharing program outcomes with colleagues through publications and at professional conferences.