This project supports 60 scholarships for academically qualified, need-based students to attend and graduate from Sweet Briar College (SBC) in a math, computer science, or engineering major. SBC's CSEMS program targets need-based groups in socio-economically underprivileged areas of Virginia to leverage SBC's standard $7,500 Virginia Grant. Intellectual Merits: SBC is an ideal learning environment to facilitate the success of disenfranchised women in CSEM fields. It offers women a unique learning opportunity through small class sizes (averaging 12 students), low student to faculty ratio (8:1), multiple CSEM options including engineering, and a record of success in math and science programs. Broader Impacts: This scholarship program increases the number of women in CSEM fields by attracting qualified need-based women into an encouraging and engaging learning environment. These scholarships open a pipeline for continued recruitment of socio-economically underprivileged students in Virginia to SBC beyond the NSF grant period.