This project is enabling the achievement of higher education degrees in computer science, engineering and mathematics by talented, but financially disadvantaged, students. This program is especially important at the community college level where in Fall 2002 twice as many minority students were enrolled as compared to 4-year universities. (Higher Education Coordinating Board.)
Intellectual Merit: The project advances current knowledge of computer science, engineering, and mathematics preparation programs for two-year colleges. Key project personnel have demonstrated leadership with past CSEMS grants and through other projects that have been recognized nationally for innovative approaches at two-year colleges. The academic and student support infrastructure for successful graduation of scholarship recipients include classes and programs in computer science, engineering, and mathematics departments, faculty advisors for each student in his/her discipline, and student support groups and organizations.
Broader Impact: This model project advances understanding of how to better prepare and support students at a community college so they are better prepared to enter programs at universities. Dissemination activities allow the model to be shared locally and nationally at conferences. It demonstrates the positive outcomes of financial and academic support and student support infrastructure as they relate to student retention toward degree completion and adequate preparation for the workplace. On an institutional level, this program strengthens partnerships between the college and other institutions of higher education and computer science, engineering, and mathematics employment sectors. It enables the college to further enhance the existing community infrastructure for recruitment, attainment, and increased educational and employment opportunities of students of diverse backgrounds with varied career goals while also creating a reproducible model for other community colleges. Ultimately this program improves undergraduate education at Green River, other community colleges, and four-year universities.