This project is disseminating the process of interactive Internet-Based Teaching and Learning in Mathematics, specifically differential geometry, multivariable calculus, and linear algebra, to a large number of diverse institutions. The project is making the benefits of this approach broadly available through a series of summer projects and activities at national meetings. Further, the project is ensuring that the approach is more adaptable and scalable for use in courses for mathematics majors, for science students, for liberal arts mathematics, and for teacher training programs.
The interactive aspect of the approach encompasses three elements: 1) teachers and students interact with geometric phenomena both for classroom presentations and students exploration; 2) students do their homework and exams online and receive timely comments from instructors; and 3) students are able to read the responses of their classmates and instructors as they engage directly in discussion or group work over the web. Tutorials are available to make it easy for students without a sophisticated computer background to upload scanned drawings and to include images and links in their communications. Interactive illustrations are possible with the use of the Geometer's Sketchpad.
Workshops to disseminate the approach are being conducted in conjunction with the summer MathFests of the MAA with additional meetings at the January Joint Mathematical Meetings. Assessment of the effectiveness of the approach is being conducted by a professional and encompasses an extensive content analysis component.