This project is developing and publishing an undergraduate text and solutions manual in mathematics and art, and hosting a series of workshops to disseminate and evaluate these materials.
This project builds on earlier work supported through the Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications Throughout the Curriculum (MATC) program. Since 1995 the project leaders have been developing, teaching, and disseminating courses in mathematics and art. LESSONS IN MATHEMATICS AND ART, a text by Frantz, has played a central role. Through a successful series of workshops called VIEWPOINTS, undergraduate instructors from a variety of disciplines have been prepared in the use of the freely provided LESSONS. This project is preparing a complete text and a detailed Instructor's Manual.
Intellectual Merit. These materials go beyond the mathematics appreciation and post facto analysis of existing art that characterize much of the current math-and-art resources. Lessons are based on problem-solving techniques that are relevant to both mathematicians and artists. The problems are innovative and do not appear in existing textbooks. They challenge students and instructors alike.
Broader Impacts. Past VIEWPOINTS participants use the LESSONS materials in art courses, liberal arts math courses, and upper-level mathematics courses. The new text connects the topics and themes of mathematics and art. It is of interest to artists and mathematicians and hence has a significant cross-disciplinary appeal.