This project enhances undergraduate student learning, retention, and recruitment through the development of academic roadmaps, which guide academic planning, advising, and study. Principal Investigators are 1) developing a transferable web-based template and two actual conceptual student roadmaps that describe academic and career information in two science disciplines, geology and nutrition. These web-based electronic maps illustrate educational pathways, requirements, and expectations for learning; relevance to national issues and trends; workplace applications and career tracks; research, internship, and volunteer opportunities; and related course information. 2) Translating the intellectual content of the roadmaps into powerful software and visually appealing graphics and screens for use on the World Wide Web. 3) Linking the roadmap screens to the institutions' academic, advising, and admissions sites, and to national portals of disciplinary information. 4) Training university and community college faculty and professional staff to utilize roadmap materials in all college advising, student program planning, student recruitment activities, and evaluation of institutional effectiveness.
The electronic maps are being made available to a broad range of students and families through national disciplinary, labor, and career websites. The transparency of such a graphic advising system should lead to improved student retention and performance in the sciences. The availability of such maps will also improve student recruitment into relevant science fields. This project is developing a mapping template that will be transferable to other institutions, both locally and throughout the nation. Such a tool will also enhance communication with higher education's stakeholders and state legislators about the generation of competent, reflective graduates who are articulate about their knowledge and skills, are adept problem solvers and communicators, and who pursue lifelong learning.