This project is developing interdisciplinary educational content for an undergraduate course in entrepreneurship for engineers. By becoming familiar with the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, students are better able to design engineering solutions that address customers' needs in an increasingly global marketplace. The project is developing two case studies along with the associated teaching notes and instructional material. It also is developing material to support a mini-conference for students that fosters creativity and encourages them to conceptualize new or improved products or services that might be commercialized. Finally, they are developing assessment rubrics to evaluate the project outcomes and these tools and the resulting data are contributing to the existing body of knowledge and research in teaching entrepreneurship to engineers and are serving as models to other universities that have courses in entrepreneurship for engineers. Dissemination plans include conference presentations, particularly at the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance Annual Conference, and journal publication on the case studies. They also will publish booklets on their cases and make teaching notes available to instructors.