This CCLI (A&I) project involves the development of course and lab modules in tolerancing issues and micro / nano assembly techniques. Modules are being designed and developed for senior level undergraduate students in industrial, manufacturing and mechanical engineering. We are creating virtual reality based environments to enhance student learning as well as encouraging inter university student projects involving students at New Mexico State University, and Monterrey Tech (Monterrey, Mexico). The industry partners involved include Sandia National Laboratories and MicroSat Systems. A focus in this project is the education of minority students (Hispanic and Native American); through workshop activities, we are highlighting the importance of educational opportunities and introducing minority and other students to the micro devices assembly subject area. Apart from these workshops, outreach activities involving school students and teachers (at the Mescalero Apache Reservation) are being conducted. Dissemination activities include publishing papers in leading journals and at conferences. Other dissemination activities are through a project web site.